7 Effective Yoga Poses To Relieve Menstrual Pain

The menstrual cycle is one of the common processes of divinity. It draws lots of pain, cramps resulting along with some emotional deformities and mental instability.  It is very important for females to know the techniques which relieve the menstrual cramps in a holistic manner.Giving work to muscles at the time of menstrual cycle works beyond comparison. Yoga during menstruation cycle helps to  get relieved from pain and cramps. Additionally, it  also provides emotional imbalance.

Before stepping on the mat, make yourself much comfortable and relaxed. Start with meditation, in order to maintain the homeostasis. Here are

7 Effective Yoga Poses To Relieve Menstrual Pain

1. Forward Bend to the Knee

You should make comfortable yourself before getting on the mat. In terms of yoga, this pose is to be pronounced as Janu Sirasana. This pose stretches the spine, shoulders, and groin. It helps in relieving pain and cramps. Every posture in yoga is formed because of particular reason and has a different way of strengthening.
Effective yoga to cure period pain


• Stretch your left leg forward as possible as you can.
• Give your right leg a 90-degree bend outward, and make it like pressing the left thigh with full force.
• Try to hold the straight left leg and lengthen the trunk of the body towards the left leg. Make this more firmly.
• Stay in this pose for around 3 minutes.
• Repeat this asana with the alternate leg.

2. Forward Fold

This is the standing and stretching position. It helps to reduce the pain experienced in the lower body and around the back. This stretches the whole body and makes you feel light and comfortable during the time of menstruation.
Reduce menstrual Cramp by yooga


•Stand in a straight manner and relax which is the most important task which is to be followed and kept in a primo.
• Bend down with the arms folded in a criss-cross way and place your head on it.
• This posture makes you feel relaxed and relieves your menstrual pain and cramps.
• Stay still for about 2 to 3 minutes for the better results.

3. Supine Twist

Twisting your body makes your whole structure to stimulate the blood flow and enhances the reduction of menstrual pain. It is also believed that it detox and refreshes the inner organs. This would probably be the supreme posture to be grasped in mind during the period of menstruation.

natural way to cure period pain


• Make you feel relaxed and lie down on the mat
• Leg, hand and other parts should be kept in lose manner
• Take your left leg over the right leg at the angle of 90 degrees. Do the same using the alternative leg.
• Remain with the same posture around 3 minutes.
This process helps ease with the nerves during the menstrual cycle. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you are recommended to use a pillow for your legs to get a perfect position.

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4. Triangle  Posture

This position is considered to be the most classical pose according to yogis. It completely stretches and strengthens the body and calms down mind and soul as well. It gives hand to reduce the cramps experienced during the time of menstruation.
Cure menstrual cramp with yoga


• Stand on your knees and hand which makes your back to point towards up.
• It resembles in the shape of a triangle.
• Stay in this position for several breaths until you can feel the recovery from cramps.
You are not to be compulsorily supposed to land your heel on the floor. If it is placed then it is good enough.

5. The Camel Pose

This would be the most effective cramp relieving posture to be proved,  as it mainly focuses on the abdominal part stretch and pelvic muscles. Stimulation of blood flow all over the body makes the brain work faster and makes your organs to stay young and functioning.
Treat Menstrual Pain and Cramps With Yoga


• Kneel yourself on the floor wide openly.
• After feeling relaxed turn back and try to hold the palm with your fingers. If you can touch your toes, then it is more effective.
• Hang down your head for reaching the comfort zone.
• After this inhale deeply against your shoulders.
• Be still for one minute.
Camel posture makes you get reduced from anxiety and energizes you. After completing this posture you are supposed to mold yourself to the child’s pose. Sitting on your legs and bending forward by stretching your hands defines child’s pose.

6. Big Toe Reclining

This position is considered as the little bit complicated one. Big toe reclining asana strengthens the knee, stretches the hip, groin. This yoga pose also relieves the menstrual cramp and back pain. It maintains the rate of heartbeat and keeps the visceral organ young.
Instant Way to Relieve Period Pain With Yoga



• Lie down on your back with full relaxation and then exhale.
• Grasp your right leg towards the chest. If it is possible to put your toe a lock with your fingers.
• Then stretch your right leg and make sure about the rate of extension.
• Keep it around 2 minutes and then proceed with the alternate leg.
• After relaxing give a deep exhale. You must do this only when you are with the empty tummy.

7. Savasana

This asana is the final end asana which would be the resting pose denoting the completion of yoga. In terms of informality, it is pronounced as corpse pose. This pose is usually recommended for the soothing and healing purpose. Controlling and maintaining the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation, it directs away from the pain of menstruation.

Relieve Period Cramp with Yoga


• No more complication, just lie down at your level of comfort.
• This is the easiest posture  and calms you down

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Each and every posture and felt a little bit tough at the first attempt. Practice will soon help you.Use this effective yoga poses To relieve menstrual pain.Go with twisting and turning your body!!Feel light from annoying menstrual cramp.

Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

13 thoughts on “7 Effective Yoga Poses To Relieve Menstrual Pain

    • March 16, 2018 at 7:23 am

      Yoga keeps everyone cool.so share the valuable information

  • March 15, 2018 at 12:10 pm

    These look so helpful. I love doing yoga but never though about doing it to relieve menstrual pain.

    • March 15, 2018 at 5:18 pm

      Yoga is always a pain reliever.

  • March 16, 2018 at 6:07 am

    Wow.. this is a good piece.. we all know that pain kills.. May be will try next time.

  • March 16, 2018 at 6:26 am

    Wow..thanks for this valuable information. Will start practicing them.

  • March 16, 2018 at 1:11 pm

    I love yoga…keeps me sane every day of the month!

  • March 17, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    A very useful post and I really needed it! This should really help me during my periods.

  • March 18, 2018 at 9:53 am

    These are really helpful tips. I may try them just for stretching purposes.

  • March 18, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    I don’t usually have too much discomfort but glad to know yoga can help ease the pain. Sharing it with a friend.

  • March 20, 2018 at 3:30 pm

    Thanks for sharing…though I do practice some of the poses from the above mentioned in my regular exercise routine but wasn’t aware that these also help relieve menstrual pain.


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