5 Ways You Can Encourage Your Kids to Become Innovators


The world is gradually changing and the ways of the past are a distant memory nowadays. Today, innovations rule the world. Innovations are what allows the world to progress. The progress has been extremely rapid and dynamic in the past two decades. It is important that kids be motivated to innovate from a young age. Unfortunately, the school does very little to inculcate innovation into your child.

Schools in India are failing to compete at the global level and hence kids cannot be expected to get all that they need from school. The competitiveness is very high and it is important that parents take all necessary efforts to prepare their children for a highly competitive future. In order to encourage your kid to become an innovator, parents need to take up the responsibility and provide their kid with additional resources. Here are

5 Ways You Can Encourage Your Kids to Become Innovators


Encourage Curiosity


It is very important that parents take steps to encourage their child to explore. Exploration helps to promote curiosity and curiosity helps to stimulate the thirst to learn. It is good for parents to encourage their kids to be curious. It is common for parents to feel annoyed when their child keeps asking them a lot of questions. But parents fail to understand that every time they chastise or turn down their child for asking questions, they are discouraging their curiosity.

Allow your child to ask questions. By asking questions they get to learn more about the world around them. Once they are old enough, teach them how to utilize dictionaries and encyclopedias so that they can find out answers on their own. But remember that you are spending quality time with your kid whenever they ask you questions, and curiosity is what motivates a person to innovate.

Provide Materials that Foster Creativity


It is important that parents make available to their child the materials required to foster creativity. Creativity is the key component of innovation. Innovation will not take place where there is a lack of creativity, because innovation results from working to find novel and creative solutions to a problem. For kids aged 5 years and above offers the IOT Super Kit. It is the best kit that can help foster creativity in your child and inculcate basic practical knowledge and experience about technology in your child. It allows them to build fun gadgets and learn the functions of each component. This is that starter kit for an inventor, an innovator. It helps your child learn the basics of electronics, coding and app development through a vast library of tutorials, and work on more than 100 fun projects. This will encourage them to innovate from a young age.

Nurture an Appetite for Risk

Motivate your child to take risks. Risk taking is healthy to a certain degree; provided that it promotes the growth of your child and does not harm them physically, psychologically and mentally. By nurturing an appetite for risk, you are motivating your kid to explore various new circumstances and this exposure will teach them a lot. Risk taking also allows your child to be able to better adapt to different environments, thus promoting adaptability. This is an important component of innovation as innovations take place to help a person adapt to a particular environment or function.

Encourage Them to Learn From Failures


Where many parents fail is in teaching their child to learn from failure. It is common for parents to criticize their child for failing at something. But what parents should be doing instead is teaching them to learn from the failure and improve themselves. Criticism causes them to become demotivated and lose self-esteem. This negatively impacts their confidence in their ability to perform a task. Thus, gradually reducing their levels of curiosity and motivation to innovate.

Praise the Effort of Children

It is important that parents appreciate their child’s efforts, no matter how prominent it may be. It does cost to appreciate and it helps motivate the person who is being appreciated. When appreciated, children feel motivated to perform better the next time around. Hence, parents should praise the efforts of their children. This reassures children that their parents have faith in them and their abilities; hence they will be motivated to work harder and to achieve success.


Encourage the creative mind with right educational kits. Do checkout the which are specially curated to teach practical technical skills. .

Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

14 thoughts on “5 Ways You Can Encourage Your Kids to Become Innovators

  • July 1, 2021 at 11:34 am

    It’s important to encourage kids for their all efforts, I really loved the simple tips you shared !!

  • July 1, 2021 at 11:56 pm

    Great tips dear and I agree we should teach our kids to learn from their mistakes. will check out avishkaar kit for sure. sounds promising to me.

  • July 2, 2021 at 10:03 am

    Listening to children and encouraging them with the right words helps them become more confident and think better. Thanks for this insightful post.

  • July 2, 2021 at 5:08 pm

    This looks amazing for kids and good to explore definitely will be checking out for my daughter.

  • July 3, 2021 at 5:08 am

    I agree as a parent it’s our responsibility to provide an enviornment that can help them to grow. Encouraging them to take is is a very good pointer which many parents miss. Well written post.

  • July 4, 2021 at 1:32 am

    While I love all the tips, Avishkaar kits you mentioned sounds interesting. I’m definitely checking them out for my daughter. Thanks you for sharing.

  • July 4, 2021 at 2:41 am

    Appreciation and support go a long way in encouraging kids. These kits sound good and are sure to cater to young curious minds.

  • July 4, 2021 at 4:57 am

    Who doesnt want their kids to do something big, going out of the way. These tips are so relevant and easily approachable for any parent.

  • July 4, 2021 at 7:22 am

    You have perfectly jotted down the pointers that aids in encouraging the kids to identify the innovator inside them. Risk-taking capacity and learning from failures are the two most important learning of life that one can conquer over any downfall.

  • July 4, 2021 at 8:35 am

    What an informative post to boost the creative edge in our kids. These activities definitely enhance the curiosity to innovate new ideas.

  • July 4, 2021 at 10:42 am

    Innovation and creativity are important attributes for kids to develop. But these need to be nurtured with care, you have rightly pointed out that parents should encourage them and at the same time teach them to handle failure.

  • July 4, 2021 at 11:35 am

    For kids to learn and be innovators I agree we need to supplement them with things that can tickle their brains and boost creativity and innovations. I really loved the kit that Avishkar is offering to kids for better learning.

  • July 4, 2021 at 11:45 am

    Absolutely activity kits helps in brain development during growing years. These tips would definitely help in kids grooming

  • July 4, 2021 at 12:55 pm

    These are some important points that you have shared in this post. I do try to encourage my kids. Will going to check the kit suggested by you here


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