Why we should teach our child “Less is More”

 We live in a world filled with desires. Man is constantly striving to get more. Why? Because the dreams and desires of man are endless. Man is never satisfied and keeps searching for what he can obtain next. This makes life hectic and stressful, unbeknownst to his knowledge. The minimalist concept of ‘less is more’ is something that people fail to consider. Imagine being satisfied with what you have. Imagine working towards satisfaction of needs rather than wants; a life where you do not have to worry more than you ought to. But it is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. Instead of going through the trouble of making an adult adopt the ‘less is more’ lifestyle, it would be wiser to teach children that ‘less is more’.

How to teach children that ‘less is more’?

Why teach children that ‘less is more’?

Teaching your child that ‘less is more’ can have great implications on their growth as human beings. It is difficult for an adult to suddenly change something that they are long accustomed to. Whereas, it is much easier to teach a child about minimalism as they grow. Minimalism can allow your child to enjoy a better quality of life and significantly improve their performance be it in academics, extracurricular or career. Teaching your child that ‘less is more’ allows them to avoid unnecessary distractions in life and live their life to the fullest. What’s more? Teaching your child that ‘less is more’ allows them to be able to better adapt to any situation; they are trained to live on the bare necessities. Hence, teaching them to make their life simple.


How to teach children that ‘less is more’?

Many parents struggle as they may not know how to teach their child that ‘less is more’. So even if they do understand the importance of minimalism, parents fail to teach their children about it. But worry not. Parents no longer need to suffer due to the guilt of not being able to teach their children that ‘less is more’. It is simpler than you think to parent your child on ‘less is more’. Here are 5 ways by which you can teach your children that ‘less is more’.

  • Teaching Patience

Patience is an important virtue that parents need to teach their children. Teaching your child patience can help them understand that nothing comes cheap or free or at a moment’s notice. To have their needs fulfilled children need to be taught to wait patiently so that they can learn to value it.

  • Simple Toys To Promote Creativity

It is always better to buy simple toys for your child rather than fancy ones. Why? Simple toys like building blocks, cars, clay and dolls allow children to be creative and exercise their power to imagine.

  • Teach Importance of ownership

It is important for parents to teach their children the importance of ownership. When a child understands the importance of ownership, they tend to take better care of their belongings. Hence, they learn to value their possessions, instead of taking it for granted. This results in it being maintained in a good condition for longer duration.

  • Focus on Important Life Lessons

Parents should spend more time and money in teaching their children important life lessons like swimming, cycling, hiking, physical fitness and cooking. These are skills that will be very useful for them throughout their lives.

  • Difference Between Want and Need

Finally, it is important for parents to teach their children to make judgement calls with proper decisions; whether what they are asking for is a want (desire) or need (necessity). This teaches them the core concept of minimalist lifestyle.


Raising a child is not an easy job, we as a parent should be role model’s to our kids.  Encourage the child to appreciate whatever they have and embrace minimalist lifestyle.

Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

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