Medicinal Properties of Assam and Darjeeling oolong Tea

Tea is an aromatic beverage which is widely consumed the world next to the water.The black tea is highly oxidized and the white tea is minimally processed. The taste and aroma depend on the processing.The greater level of antioxidants in tea slows the absorption of caffeine content.The antioxidants help in repairing damaged cells and also helps our bodies to fight against many serious diseases. This aromatic blessing is prepared by pouring boiling water over the tea leaves and then the drink is strained.

Medicinal Properties of Assam and Darjeeling oolong Tea
The processing of tea leaves should be less, it will help in retaining the antioxidants. They come in many variants green tea, strong tea, flavored, little bitter, Darjeeling tea, black tea, white tea etc.Tea leaves originated from China as it was used as a medicinal drink initially.It is popular for its herbal nature and aromatic properties. Tea is popular among people because it is a refreshing beverage and does not contain and salt, fat, sugar or carbonation. It is totally calorie free when consumed without adding anything except water. It is good for health.

 Medicinal Properties of Assam and Darjeeling Oolong Tea

Assam Tea

Origin and Flavors

Assam tea is otherwise black tea and it comes from Assam India. It also the largest tea leaves producing region in the world. These leaves are grown at the edges of the Himalayas. Assam tea is famous for its black and bright color and for its strong flavor.It has more caffeine content and is apt for breakfast. Major English tea includes Assam tea leaves.

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Health Benefits

Assam tea is known for its strong flavor and high caffeine, but it is also filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and it can easily replace a strong coffee cup with its health benefits. Assam tea is filled with the goodness of flavonoids.Flavonoids reduce the risk of cancer and decrease heart diseases. It also helps in detoxing the body and flushes out the excess toxin.It also provides immunity against influenza and helps to boost the immune system.Milk can also be added to black tea, it will increase the flavor.Assam tea stimulates the brain cells, it helps in releasing stress and increases blood circulation.You can easily get Assam tea online.
Assam Tea and its medicinal properties


Darjeeling oolong tea

Origin and Flavors

Darjeeling oolong tea comes from the Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India.It is also called as the champagne of teas.Darjeeling tea has many strong flavors and shades. It is available in black, green, white and oolong color.It has a flavorful floral aroma. It also includes spiciness which adds extra taste to the tea.
Medicinal Nature of Darjeeling oolong Tea

Health Benefits

Darjeeling oolong tea has significant benefits. IT contains antioxidants like other teas. It helps in neutralizing free radicals, helps to solve digestion problems. cures chronic illness. It helps to cure damage cells and tissues. It can be consumed daily because of its medicinal nature.It helps to solve heart-related issues. It provides cardiovascular health benefits. Consumption of 5 cups of Darjeeling tea per day on daily basis will reduce the blood cholesterol level.It also helps in toning the physique.
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It will also help to solve arteries related problem, regular consumption allows widening of arteries.The best benefit of Darjeeling is that it increases bone density and decrease the risk of osteoporosis in women.Darjeeling oolong tea includes caffeine which increases stimulation of nerve cells and allows you to stay prompt and active. It is easily available online.

Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

9 thoughts on “Medicinal Properties of Assam and Darjeeling oolong Tea

  • March 16, 2018 at 1:08 pm

    This one is a must read post for Tea Lovers☕ Although not tested strong tea but definitely going to try this one after reading this.

  • March 16, 2018 at 2:28 pm

    It’s like a holy book for a tea lover like me..although m very loyal to my ginger tea but will try this 🙂

  • March 29, 2018 at 6:19 am

    Wow im a tea lover. I did not know oolong tea has medicinal benefits and boots metabolism. Thanks for sharing

  • March 30, 2018 at 12:42 pm

    Gained some good knowledge about tea.Nice post!
    Being a tea lover myself, Darjeeling tea has to be my favourite of all times.

  • March 30, 2018 at 7:16 pm

    I am a tea addict but haven’t tried these. will try to get my hands on the Assam and Darjeeling tea.

  • May 12, 2018 at 2:33 pm

    It is really interesting to read that these Teas can have great health benefits. I definitely want to check some of these flavours out to try myself.

  • May 13, 2018 at 2:15 pm

    I always loved tea, but I didn’t realize there are so many benefits, including helping with digestion problems, chronic illness heart -related disease and to reduce blood cholesterol. Thanks for sharing

  • May 14, 2018 at 1:55 am

    Traditional tea is believed to be good for health. I love drinking tea every morning..


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