Fact Check on Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most widespread and chronic health issues worldwide. In spite of the fact that millions are affected by diabetes, there are many misconceptions around it. It is crucial to be well informed to be able to manage your condition effectively. It is best to get your facts right around diet, exercise and medicines to be taken. But first, let’s understand the various types of diabetes.


Fact Check on Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is called insulin dependent diabetes and it often begins during childhood or adolescence. It is an autoimmune condition where the body starts attacking the pancreas with antibodies. The pancreas get damaged and are not capable of making insulin. The major reason for type 1 diabetes is genetics.

insulin dependent diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

This is non-insulin dependent diabetes usually found in adults. Unfortunately for the past 20 years type 2 diabetes is affecting the younger age group. Under this condition, the pancreas creates insulin but it is not utilized well by the body. Type 2 is mild as compared to type 1 but can lead to long term health complications like affecting the kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Obesity is one of the contributing factors in the development of type 2 diabetes.


Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy can sometimes make a woman insulin resistant and the case is called gestational diabetes. For an expectant mother, it is important to keep a tab on gestational diabetes. In order to deliver a healthy and well-developed baby, hike in blood sugar should be under control because it can be riskier to the baby.

diabetes during pregnancy


5 Common misconceptions about diabetes

Myth: Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the same.

Fact: This is a myth, both types are associated with insulin but these are two different conditions. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease and the body stops making insulin. Whereas in the case of type 2, body makes limited insulin which is not utilized fully by the cells.

Myth: If I have diabetes, I will know it

Fact: Symptoms like frequent peeing, high thirst, fatigue, issues in the eyesight can help you to identify condition of diabetes but it is always best to get proper blood test done. The fasting blood sugar and post-meal blood sugar help to determine the level of blood sugar and whether the person is pre-diabetic.

Myth: If you are obese then you are bound to get type 2 diabetes

Fact: Out of 70% of adults who are overweight only 10% of the population is affected by diabetes. But, keeping a tab on your body weight helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Myth: Eating too much sugar is the only reason for type 2 diabetes.

Fact: A diet high in sugar can lead to abnormal weight gain but that is not the reason for type 2 diabetes always. But, indulging in excessive sugar can increase the chances of obesity which can eventually increase the risk of diabetes.

Everything you want to know about types of diabetes and its cure

Myth: Using insulin is a sign that your diabetes is unmanageable.

Fact:  This is absolutely false. Insulin works as a life-saving medication and does not mean you are unable to manage diabetes.  People with diabetes can control the blood sugar level by altering diet, working out, and incorporating lifestyle changes but in certain cases, insulin is required to regulate fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

The first step to effectively manage diabetes begins with the right knowledge from the right sources.

Diet, exercise, regular monitoring and adherence to medication are important factors in diabetes management. Empower yourself to live better with diabetes and today to be #MoreThanMyDiabetes.




The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Sanofi India. Sanofi India bears no responsibility for the content of the blog. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information.

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