7 Causes of Gender Inequality and Why We Should Stop Promoting it!

Gender Inequality is an alarming issue in the world, and gender equality is the need of the hour. This is because gender inequality is causing a lot of violence, injustice, and harm especially to women and in some cases for men as well. People of all genders have equal rights and opportunities. It must not be exploited in any way. The following are the causes of gender inequality

7 Causes of Gender Inequality and Why We Should Stop Promoting it! 


Societal practices, beliefs, and customs

Men are always considered to be superior to women. This belief is prevailing in society till now. It is seen that men have a major role in society and women are just believed to support men. This in turn has a negative impact on the education and the job women take up. These beliefs sustain the gender inequality in society and thus it takes a lot of time to bring about equality.


Lack of education

When it comes to education, it is always the men who are found to get more access to education than women. In the world, almost 2/3 of women are illiterates. Many girls don’t even have primary education. This acts as a barrier for women and they are unable to achieve in all spheres of life. Due to this, women may get misused and they may end up having meager jobs or no jobs at all.


Lack of awareness in Women

Women are prone to all sorts of injustice because of their lack of awareness. They are not aware of many of their basic rights and capabilities. They are not aware of many of the legal matters that prevail for their protection. They are also not aware of the fact that they have authority over their bodies. They do not act assertively and accept the discriminatory practices that happen to them. The lack of education is the main cause of this.

Lack of equality in employment

Society assumes that women are entitled to do only menial jobs and taking care of the household is not even considered as work. Even if women are employed in a place where men are also employed, they are either paid less or they don’t get the right positions in the workplace even if they are equally capable as their male colleagues. This is again because of the societal belief that men are superior. There is also job segregation that happens. Men are entitled to have superior jobs like heads of organizations whereas it is hard for women to reach that height.


Poor medical facilities

Women are vulnerable to many medical conditions, but the medical care that they receive is also very poor. Poverty, lack of education and employment is also a reason for this. Many of the treatments are not affordable by them and they also face a lot of discrimination in the hospitals.



Women are considered to be the disadvantaged group and in addition to this, race, color, ethnicity is also other factors that make them even more disadvantaged which in turn makes them prone to all sorts of violence. They are prone to unfair treatment like they are paid less or even sometimes physically harmed.


Lesser political representation

In many of the National Parliaments, more than half of the seats are filled by men. There are certain stereotypes that only men are equipped well to be in the political field. Another factor that interferes with the participation of women in politics is the fact that they have a household to take care of.


Why we should stop promoting it? 

Women are equally important like men. If gender inequality prevails it will cause psychological and physiological harm to women. It will cause problems to people who are around her, be it her child or her husband. In the end, women might get exploited, but instead, we must be giving atleast equal importance to them for all that they are doing.


How to prevent Gender Inequality? 

This can be prevented through the following ways:

  • Noticing the violence that prevails and voicing out.
  • Discouraging the chauvinistic and racial attitudes.
  • Sharing the household chores.
  • Supporting and voting for women

#Genderequality is not a woman’s issue , it is a human issue and it affects us all. . This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’



Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

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