6 Easy Doable Self Care Tips For New Moms

The new moms fall into the trap of not putting up with proper care of themselves from simple things such as taking a good shower to not giving time to pursue their interests. You had a life before the baby and hold onto that even after the infant is with you. Here are some tips that they can adopt to care them even about childbirth. You always need some time to remember who you are and recharge your energy all through the day.

6 Easy Doable Self Care Tips For New Moms – Finding Myself

6 Easy Doable Self Care Tips For New Moms - Finding Myself
Dress your best

Looking good is feeling good so dress your best even after the baby is born. Don’t stick onto your old maternity clothes or stretch pants even if you haven’t lost the baby weight. Even if you are intending to lose weight make sure you get the best inexpensive dresses at any big box store. Getting ready can boost your self-confidence too. Be mindful as you are feeding the baby taking deep breaths and focusing your attention on what you hear, smell and feel.

Move your body

self care tips for first time mom

Motherhood is a big adjustment. You cared only about your own needs and now that’s gone. Try to bring back the charisma within yourselves by doing some yoga or moving around the block to get some fresh air and sunshine. Dancing to your favourite songs might be helpful to relieve the stress. Just go for shopping to around the mall to let yourself out.


Most of the new mom’s priority is now the baby rather than themselves. Try to prioritize yourselves at least for few hours daily. Try doing some activities that you enjoy around. Take a warm shower longer than you usually do and that helps to relax. Drink more water, rest well and take care of yourselves. Take some time to fix your hair and try a low maintenance hair style to avoid the mom ponytail.

Find community

As a new mom just go easy on yourselves, by finding a community of support. New moms often tend to get isolated and lonely since they stay at home all the time and their hormones also play a role for their mood swings. As you are transitioning into the motherhood having a new mom support group might make wonders.

Cook healthy meals

Baby Food & Organic Products

Plan a healthy meal chart ahead for a week and this might assist you in time management. Cooking healthy modest meals all through the day might be less aggravating for you while taking care of the new-born. Fast food is often manageable but not healthy, so choose wisely when you cook. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables keeps you and your baby hale and healthy. Drinking lots of water might keep you stay hydrated, and it also promotes breast feeding.

Get support

As a new mom you need a lot people in your life whom you can rely to take care of the chores and the baby also. Find a promising support system such as family or friend who act replace you for a short time when you get to be busy. New moms need help to take care of the things like laundry, cleaning, or gardening. Sleep whenever the baby is sleeping even if you don’t like to have some rest.

Always as make some time for yourselves by waking up early friends the morning to meditate, pray or do some affirmations, this might empower you in a positive mindset. Take as much fresh air as possible along with the baby to feel fresh.
There are a few times when you might realize that you breastfeeding Feel free to talk to some, one or seek some therapy. Taking time for yourselves might be difficult in the beginning yet the quality time spent with your baby is cherishing.

Self Care Suggestions for First Time Mom

Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

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