5 Best Indoor Plants to Boost Oxygen Naturally

In the current scenario, one of the most talked-about matters is the increase of oxygen rate. This is mainly because of the corona pandemic which has been found to cause a decrease in oxygen level among the patients. Other significant issues are pollution and pulmonary diseases that have a negative impact on the oxygen levels of humans. Due to the ever-increasing pollution, humans are forced to breathe toxic, unhealthy air which is extremely harmful. Though there are some man-made options like air purifiers and oxygenators to address these issues, there are also natural ways available to purify the air and increase oxygen levels. Some plants can be grown indoors to provide clean air, boost oxygen, enhance our mental health, and create a peaceful environment. 5 of the best indoor plants are stated below:

Areca Palm

best indoor plant for living room

This popular tropical plant is also known as butterfly palm and golden cane palm. Areca palms are very easy to look after and their size can be controlled by occasional pruning. It is known to absorb air pollutants like xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, acetones, etc. and in turn, reduces pollution. Hence when kept indoor, people can breathe pollutant-free air. It increases oxygen levels as it emits more amount of oxygen especially those with larger leaves. Another benefit is that it improves air humidity, hence it makes sure that people around it are not breathing dry air that leads to itching of the eye, skin dryness, irritation, dryness of skin, etc. Last but not the least, it beautifies the place and also spreads positivity by improving mental health. This is the best indoor plant for living room and bed room.

Pothos Plant

best indoor plant for home and office

This tropical wine is popularly known as the money plant, Devil’s ivy. This plant is very easy to maintain as it can survive both in the sun or shade. This plant is known to grow in extreme conditions like cool temperature, drought, and low lighting. It purifies air by removing harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, etc. Pothos plants release oxygen at night and also increases humidity making the transmission of the virus difficult. Hence there will be no allergic reactions, Pothos plants are best for office space and work desk. This is also a decorative plant and it is known to cleanse away the negative energy.

Spider Plant

ow maintenance indoor plant

This tropical plant is also known as spider ivy or airplane plant. It purifies the air and gets rid of toxic chemicals present in the air like toluene, xylene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde. Due to its high transpiration rate, it increases humidity in the air and hence the risk of acquiring airborne diseases like flu, cough, cold and sore throat. This plant when kept near recovering patients can help in improving their mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, depression. This is low maintenance indoor plant and can adapt to any extreme conditions.

Snake Plant

Zero maintance indoor plant for home

This easy to care tropical plant is popularly referred to as the mother-in-law’s tongue. This is one the best air purifying plant which takes away the toxins in the air such as trichloroethylene, xylene, benzene, nitrogen oxide, and formaldehyde. This plant tends to absorb large quantities of carbon monoxide and releases an excessive amount of oxygen into the environment. It releases oxygen at night by taking in carbon dioxide. Hence it can be placed in the bedroom. It can sustain in low-light settings and even with little water. Due to its varying shades of green and yellow, it looks so unique and it adds beauty to the place where it is placed.

Gerbera Daisy

Low maintenance Indoor flowers plant

These flowers are so bright and attractive. They are not only used for the ornamental purpose in the house but also has other health benefits. This is a cheerful indoor plant that brings positivity. It removes toxic elements such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene from the air. It tends to absorb carbon dioxide at night and emits oxygen. It can also do wonders by reducing stress, headaches. It ensures a good night’s sleep by releasing oxygen at night and it addresses issues of insomnia and drowsiness. As these plants are humidifiers, it keeps the house less dry and moisture level is increased. This increased humidity level reduces cold-related diseases. This is the best low maintenance indoor flowers plant.


The above-mentioned indoor plants are low cost and highly effective solution to increase the oxygen production at home. Moreover, these plants give an aesthetic look to your space.

Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

2 thoughts on “5 Best Indoor Plants to Boost Oxygen Naturally

  • June 22, 2021 at 7:04 am

    I love indoor plants and keep quite a lot at strategic locations in the windows and indoor. Though I am not sure how much oxygen they emit, but indoor plants do purify the air and the greenery is always best for lifting up the spirits and improve mental health. Nice collection.

  • June 23, 2021 at 4:16 pm

    Indoor plants gives a refreshing feeling and bring any room to life. Palm and money plant are two of my favorites. The bright daisies also look inviting.


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