How Oiling Regularly Can Be Beneficial For Hair

For generations, hair oiling is the traditional practice that is used to stimulate hair growth. Oiling your scalp is one of the best workouts for your locks to grow and gain strength. A good hair massage reduces the hair breakage and relaxes your mind and body as well. There are various benefits of applying oil in the scalp, the major benefits include preventing hair fall, avoid premature greying, preventing dandruff and natural promotion of hair growth by adding nutrients to the hair.

How Oiling Regularly Can Be Beneficial For Hair

Regular hair oiling can enhance lubrication of the hair shafts and thus helps to reduce the breakages. Now the question arises that how much oiling your hair needs and the right way of hair oiling?

Hair oiling nourishes your hair and you must also be ensured about the quantity and quality of oil you using on your scalp, it becomes too oily if you apply it more on your scalp and not on your hair roots.  Only a good quality hair oil promotes health hair growth. I prefer only Kesh King ayurvedic  oil to nourish my hair .

Why Kesh King Oil for Hair ?

Kesh King Oil is an hair growth ayurvedic oil which is 100% safe for all type of hair and scalp. This hair oil is prepared using Tel Pak Vidhi and consists of 21 herbs. The best part about Kesh King Oil is, itis free from side effects and perfectly safe for pregnant ladies and mothers also. This India’s No 1 Ayurvedic Oil is  clinically proven formula of Kesh King Oil assures 2 times effective in reducing hair fall and also promotes natural new hair growth.The wide range of products from Kesh King includes hair oil, shampoo and conditioners. All the products are certified by international hair institute and works well to treat hair fall, dandruff and other hair related issues. The Kesh King deep root comb works like charm.


Here are some benefits of regularly oiling the hair.

  1. Promotes hair growth

Regular hair oiling with Kesh King Oil gives your hair nourishment and required vitamins and proteins to your hair shafts. Twice a week hair oiling is the best method that you can adopt to reduce the hair fall, it also strengthens the hair shafts and reduces the risk of hair breakage. Overnight hair oiling from Kesh King oil is the best method for promoting hair growth. It is also a reliable hair oil for hair fall.

  1. Prevents hair fall

Clogging of pores on the scalp and high exposure cause accumulation of dirt in the scalp, and makes your hair dry. Massage at least once in a week with Kesh King oil to exfoliates your scalp and clean out the deadskin. The goodness of 21 herbs present in Kesh King Oil also nourishes the hair and all this helps to prevent the hair fall.

Ayurvedic oil to control hair fall

  1. Prevents dandruff

Dandruff usually takes place because of bacteria and dead cells; it causes itchy scalp and white flakes on the scalp.  Regular oiling improves the blood circulation and keeps your scalp lubricant and avoids the formation of dry dead cells. The next day, wash your hair with Kesh King Shampoo to clean the scalp.

  1. Reduce frizz

Use of chemical treatment increases the fizziness of the hairand this can be prevented by the regular use of Kesh King deep root comb, this works as a excellent option to moisturizethe hair.  After shampooing the hair use Kesh King conditioner to control the fizziness.

  1. Soften curls

Kesh King hair oil adds nourishment and adds shine to your hair, regular usage reduces the breakage of your hair shaft and gives you a volumized look, and make your curls soft. If you are looking for hair oil for women, Kesh King deep rooted oil is best.

  1. Hydration

Hair tends to lose hydration due to the exposure of sunlight and use of chemical treatment, moreover the dry hair is more prone to hair breakage and hair fall. To avoid this, leave your hair oiled overnight and wash your hair next day.

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  1. Relaxation

Massaging your hair at least once in a week with Kesh King oil, it increases the blood circulation in the head area and also gives a soothing effect to your mind and body.

  1. Prevents fungal infection

The fungal infection, hair lice are caused due to the clogging of pores on the scalp and excess of direct and formation of dead cells that can be a major cause of hair fall. Regular hair oiling and shampooing hair can prevent fungal infection.

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  1. Extra shine and volume

Use of hair styling tools causes split ends and hair breakage due to this, the thickness of the hair is lost. A good hair massage with Kesh King nourishes your scalp and adds shine to your hair. It also acts as a replenishing agent for your hair.

10.Prevents premature greying

Premature greying of hair causes due to the deficiency of melanin present in the skin, a high amount of melanin present in the scalp gives you a dark color to hair while its shortfall causes grey hair. Although regular hair oiling with Kesh King oil can retain the color of your hair.  Avoid usage of high chemical products and high exposure to the sunlight.

Someadditional tips to maximize the benefits of hair oiling

  • Avoid washing of hair with hot water as it increases the risk of split ends and also causes hair damage.
  • Massage your hair at least for 10-15 minutes with Kesh King deep root comb and try to leave it overnight.
  • Use a good quality ayurvedic shampoo and conditioner like Kesh King Shampoo and Conditioner as it is not only effective on hairfall but also gives beautiful hair.
  • Oil your hair with Kesh King Oil at least twice a week for healthy and volumized hair


Oiling hair regularly with Kesh King Oil is best for your scalp’s health. It is the best ayurvedic oil for hairloss which also promotes natural hair growth and controls the grey hair. Kesh King Oil is best oil for hair regrowth too.


For more details visit their official website Kesh King .


Hema Gayatri

Zenith Buzz Editor

3 thoughts on “How Oiling Regularly Can Be Beneficial For Hair

  • October 16, 2020 at 10:14 am

    100% agree with the oiling the hair bit! I do it at least twice a week!

  • October 16, 2020 at 6:55 pm

    We have grown up oiling our hair with coconut oil. Wonderful results followed. Now I hardly find time to oil my hair.


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